How to Wrap Your Remy Human Hair Weave at Night

There’s absolutely nothing like that great feeling of having your luscious new bundles installed, all popping in their glory. Until it’s time to go to bed, and suddenly you’re freaking out about keeping that fresh look maintained during the night (and all the other nights to come!).
Worry not, however – with the right bed time routine, you can maintain your Remy human hair weaves so they remain as gorgeous as ever!
Just follow this easy step by step hair care routine.

If You Have A Curly or Wavy Remy Human Hair Weave

Use a dollop of light moisturizer on your hair to rehydrate it. Comb through your weave gently with a wide-tooth comb or your fingers to remove tangles.
You can maintain tight curls by coiling the weave around flexi-rods, or by coiling the weave around your fingers before using little bobby pins to pin it down. If you have looser curls, just use the flexi-rods throughout your hair.
Once you’re done, tie a silk scarf or a loose silk hair bonnet around your hair. Avoid tying this on too tight, or your scalp could start to set, and your hairstyle could get damaged. Pin your curls up towards the crown of your head so they don’t get flattened.
Sleep through the night, and remove the flexi-rods and/or bobby pins when you wake up. Gently run your fingers through your weave, and ensure the curls are all where you want.

If You Have A Straight Remy Human Hair Weave

Use a dollop of light moisturizer on your hair to rehydrate it, but only if you really need it. Straight hair tends to see more build up than curly or wavy weaves. Do apply light moisturizer on your leave out, if you have one, as well as on your hairline’s edge and the nape. Comb through your weave gently with a wide-tooth comb or your fingers to remove tangles.
Wrap the hair around your head using a big paddle brush in a circular movement, Use bobby pins to secure this hair in place if you so need. Put on a tight fitting scarf or bonnet made of either silk or satin.
Sleep through the night, and remove bobby pins when you wake up. Gently run your fingers through your weave to comb it and style as you want.

Keep the Following Points in Mind

· Use a satin or silk pillowcase for best results – the fabric’s smooth surface will prevent tangling or matting in the weave, and it prevents product from leaving your hair, meaning your weave will remain hydrated through the night.
· Tie a loose braid on nights it’s too difficult to follow this guide. This minimizes tangles and breakage.
· Never sleep with wet hair, since this can result in breakage and major damage.

Without proper maintenance, your Remy human hair weaves will just not last that long. Follow these steps to make the most of your weaves!

Get More Details, Visit Ishow Hair


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