What Are The Different Kinds of Human Hair Extensions?

With the progress of time, human hair extensions have seem some incredible advances in terms of styles, methods, colors and lengths.
So just what kinds of extensions are out there? And which ones will suit you best?
Well, it all depends.
 Each kind of extensions comes with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Here’s a look at some of the most common kinds of hair extensions in the market today.

Microbead Hair Extensions

These extensions make use of little beads in order to attach the weave on to your real hair. The bead is then threaded on the hair near the scalp, and then crimped so the hair holds in place. These extensions require frequent maintenance, but they last for a long time – depending on the quality of the extensions and your hair care routine, you can wear them for three to six months.
This durability can be quite appealing to certain extensions wearers.

Fusion Hair Extensions

Fusion or glue-in hair extensions utilize advanced technology in the form of tiny keratin bonds that have been melted and formed around the hair for a long-lasting attachment. Despite the term “glue-in”, not all of these extensions actually make use of glue. These keratin bonds are for people who are prepared to commit for a style for a long time – they’re difficult to remove. Additionally, they could get damaged if you expose your hair to heat-based treatments regularly. However, they don’t require as much daily maintenance as the other methods. You’ll need to keep up maintenance every 6 to 8 weeks as your hair grows back.

Tape Hair Extensions

These extensions have a powerful adhesive attached to their wefts, which are then attached to the head. While professional installation is a must, it doesn’t take long to install these, and they make for a seamless look. If your hair is thinning, tape hair extensions could be the answer for you.
 If you’re a fan of heat-based treatments, you could go with tape extensions, since these are less likely to be damaged. Just make sure you have enough replacement tape.

Clip Hair Extensions

Fond of changing up your hairstyle at will? Clip hair extensions are probably the right choice for you in terms of easy volume, length and shifts in color. If you don’t want to go to a salon every time you get a weave, you can just do it yourself with clip hair extensions. You can install these in just a few minutes at home with little hassle. Plus, you may not want to commit to a particular hairstyle permanently, in which case you can use these extensions to see how it looks on you. Depending on how well you maintain these extensions and how frequently you wear them, these virgin Remy human hair weaves should stay usable for at least a year.
So there you have it! Which of these weaves would fit your lifestyle?

More Details, Visit Ishow Hair


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