4 Essential Tips to Keep Your Wigs Organized

How many wigs do you have? Do you know the perfect way to store them?
One, two or seven it doesn’t matter how many wigs one owns. What matters is the way you store them away.
That’s because proper wig storage helps in preserving your wigs, keeping them organized and untangled.  
After all, you don’t want this hair investment to go to waste just because you carelessly stowed it away somewhere.
Are we right?
So without further ado, let us teach you how to store your wigs correctly.
Here are some great tips to help kick-start your storage project:

1. Avoid the Elements

Can your wig get sun damage?
Yes, it can! Be it human hair wigs or synthetic ones wigs can’t stand the heat. They start to lose their shine and get rough when exposed to the environmental elements for longer durations.  This is in regards to the times when you keep your wig near a window and then forget about it for weeks.
That’s why it is better if you keep the wigs away from dust/sunlight and high temperatures. The trick here is to choose a space that is dim-lit and cool. Additionally, you should keep the wig covered to preserve it from dust.

2. Take a Stand

Do you want your wigs to maintain their shape?
Who doesn’t? The best way to ensure this is by buying a mannequin or a wig stand. Not only will this be doable for you in the long run. But keeping them on wig stands cuts off the extra minutes it takes you to restyle your misshapen wigs.
Plus, it also prevents them from getting all tangled up and messy when you use it after a long interval.
Pro-tip:  Synthetic wigs are designed to maintain their styles. But putting an extra effort in storage never hurts.

3. Personal Space

Have your kids been playing with your wigs? Are you worried that the family pet might chew off the wig?
If the answer is yes, then you better make some space in your closet. It helps you to keep those curious housemates at bay. The more wigs you have the more necessary it becomes to get them a personal shelf/closet. We suggest that you get boxes or bags to store these wigs.
Moreover, if the wig collection is growing then you can organize your wigs according to style/color and length. This makes the storage space clutter-free and easily accessible.

4. Travel Bags

How to store a wig when you travel?
Wigs have a tendency to get squashed and in some cases even torn when they’re packed with other items. That’s why it is essential that you invest in a custom wig box. These sturdy containers are durable for long trips because:
· They protect the wigs from damage
· Help them retain their shape
· Have foldable features to reduce space
In the end, paying some extra attention to their storage needs can save you the hassle of buying a new wig. That’s because the proper wig storage method helps keep them glossy, well-styled and softer for longer.
So what are you waiting for?
Go get organized!

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