Finding The Right Hair Stylist for Your Hair

If you have naturally curly hair, you understand how difficult it is to find the right stylist who understands the unique texture and versatility of curls. I would be confident in assuming that 8 out of 10 curly heads have some sort of horror story to share about a hair cut or style gone wrong.

Thankfully, there are many more resources for us concerning curly hair and more salons catering to curly hair needs. If you decide to trust your precious locks in the hands of a professional stylist, there are some measures you need to take.

1. Patience Is Key

Do not rush and go to the first stylist you see in the yellow pages. Finding a good stylist takes time. I suggest compiling a list of at least five(5) different salons based on recommendations from friends and family. If you see a fellow curly on the street and you admire her hair, stop her and ask for a referral.

2. Do Your Homework

After you have a satisfactory list of potential stylists, you need to get more information about the services they offer. I suggest you draft a list of questions for the stylist to prevent from being sidetracked. Ask the stylist if they offer a free consultation. If consultations are not provided, I would take this stylist off of my list immediately.

3. Visit The Salon

Take notice of other curlies in the facility. If there are none, be weary. Look at the products and equipment the salon uses. If you do not like the products, ask if they will use the products you provide. Do you like the atmosphere of the salon? Remember, this is a place that you will visit frequently and give your money, it would be wise to make sure you are comfortable. Do you like the stylist? If the stylist takes a look at your hair and has a negative reaction of any kind, leave immediately   You want someone who is experienced with curly hair and also someone without prejudice. Negative reactions include surprise, fear, confusion, apprehension, amusement and comments.

4. Stand Firm

If you have certain requirements, limitations or needs for you hair, let the stylist know before you schedule an appointment. While some of us like to give our stylist creative control, must of us are very rigid about what we want done to our hair. Let the stylist know of any problems you want to eliminate or any qualities you wish to achieve with your hair. Stay open-minded with the suggestions the stylist gives but remember you make the final decision.

5. Don't Be Afraid To Leave

Sadly, no matter how much you research and explain, some stylists will do want they want to do. It is up to you to remain firm. Do not be afraid to say no, or get up and leave if things are not going as you wish. You will save yourself from a great deal of stress in the long run.

6. Show Your Appreciation

If and when you find a good stylist, be thankful and hold on to that special relationship. Be courteous and respectful. Always show up to your appointments on time and give enough notice if you need to cancel. Don't forget to tip!

If you decide that a professional hair stylist is not for you right now, educate yourself on better hair care management.

Get More Details, Visit Ishow Hair


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