Fix Quick And Easy Holiday Curly Hair Tips

It's the most wonderful time of the year - and sometimes, the most stressful! December is filled with holiday celebrations that keep many of us on the go as we try to spend time with family and friends near and far. There's food to prepare, gifts to purchase and give, religious ceremonies to attend and parties to enjoy.

In the midst of it all, we still want our curly hair to look its best. Here are a few tips to ensure that your curly hair stays healthy and happy during the holiday season, some of which can also double as gift-generating ideas for those special curlies in your life.

Tip #1 - Check the weather forecast before going over the river and through the woods. If you're traveling to see family in an area with different weather patterns than what you experience at home, make sure you have the right products to help tackle those temperatures. What you use to protect your hair on a windy Toronto or Chicago winter morning might be too heavy if you're spending Christmas at Grandma's place in sunny Florida. Water conditions in different areas could also wreak havoc on your hair. Pack accordingly for such ventures away from home and don't be afraid to use more or less of your favorite product depending on location.

Tip #2 - Downsize: If you have to travel for the holidays and you don't want to carry oversized bottles of favorite products taking up extra space in your suitcase. Purchase a kit of travel-sized bottles of your favorite curly hair products to take on the road - and through security at airports.

Tip #3 - Remember those styling tools: Don't you hate it when you realize you forgot to pack your wide-toothed comb in your travel bag, dooming you to a few days of inadequate attempts at finger combing conditioner through your tresses? Having an extra comb or another styling tool of choice to put in an overnight bag could be the difference between dazzling holiday tresses or a hair catastrophe. If you're looking for a stocking stuffer for a curly friend (or trying to give others ideas for your own stocking), ask for styling tools.

Tip #4 - Accessorize: Fall and winter are the best seasons for rich jewel-toned apparel, and the holiday season is a great time to bring out those sparkly clips, combs and other items to add a touch of glamour to your hair. That upcoming Hanukkah party, Christmas celebration or New Year's Eve bash provides the perfect occasion to dress up your usual curly hairstyle with a festive accent. Those hair accessories also make for great small gifts to give and receive.

Tip #5 - Take care of yourself: This might seem obvious, but in the rush to do for others during the holidays, we can often let our own self-care fall by the wayside. Make sure you get enough rest, eat healthy meals when possible to balance out the inevitable onslaught of cakes, pies and other sweets you'll be offered at holiday events, and drink plenty of water. Your hair will benefit as well!

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