How to Lay A lace Frontal Wig Beginner Friendly

Considering the recent circumstances, many black woman choose a wig instead hair bundle to make their style. Compare with hair bundles, hair wig is most manageable for many people, they can lay their wig themselves even without help of their stylist. But for most beginner, it is still little difficult, today let us focus on how to lay a lace frontal wig.
Prepare a lace frontal wig, you can choose the wave pattern you love, like straight, body wave , curly, water wave, loose wave and loose deep wave. Let us get start.

First, you can check your hair wig, whether lace color suitable for you or not, if the Swiss lace is light for you, you can brush foundation on lace part.
Second,wear a wig cap, put some glue around your head, for beginner, put more glue will be better, the make wig can get more stable.
Third, you can take off adjustable strap on hair wig to adjust the wig size, make the size more suitable with your head size, then put hair wig, let the wig meet your hairline, use your hands to press lace part, after that, use hair dryer to make glue  mix with your wig, get a hairband, roll it with lace frontal wig, keep this condition for few minutes.
Fourth, use your scissors to cut extra front lace part, meet your edges, pull small pieces hair from wig, use edge brush to make edges you want.
Last, use hair roller and hair dryer to make hair style you want, then a new beautiful wig look show up.
That is whole process, very easy for beginners. Girls, take one Ishow hair human hair wig, have a try, get a charming look.
Follow Ishow hair Youtube Channel, get more details on hair wig.


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