How to Made And Style The Curly Wig

Curly style hair always can take a very charming look due to it’s tight and small wave pattern, many people love the curly hair. If you also prefer curly style hair, you have two choices, curly lace frontal wig or curly hair bundles. Today let us focus on how to make unit with curly hair bundles.

Preparation Part

2 wig net with adjustable straps
3 mannequin head
4 needle and string
5 wide-tooth brush and bottle
6 water and hair oil
After preparation, let us move to make unit. First, you can get a curly lace closure, weave it in frontal of wig net, if you don’t like lace closure unit style, you can choose a 13*4 lace frontal with hair bundles, the weave way is same. Then take single hair bundle, weave it start from side part, weave all hair bundles on wig net, if you are not good at with weaving, you can ask our stylist make this for you.
After get a curly style unit, you also do the bleach lace work according to your need. Then you can install unit directly to style it, to get a wet look, spay some water or hair oil on unit, use wide-tooth brush brush through the unit during this process.
To get more information on curly hair or wig, please follow Ishow hair site.


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