How to Make a Flawless Looking With Lace Front Wig
After receiving our beloved lace wigs, the most important thing must be haw to install it. There are many things need to concern when do this big project. Let’s follow our model to learn how to make a alawless looking with lace front wig.

First, take out a lace frontal wig, it’s better to pre-plunked wig and bleach knots before installing to get a more natural looking. Ishow lace frontal wigs both are pre-plunked and bleached knots, will be friendly for beginners.
Then, apply some face powder around the front of lace, try to blend it well. After that, use invisible styling gel to combination of lace and your skin, use hair dryer to dry it. Next apply few freezing spray, also dry it before lay front lace down.
Next is the important part, we need place the front of wig in right way, then cut extra lace off, use comb to push any excess hair backwards, to make sure the hair is perfectly. Now we get a perfect looking, we can use serum on hair to smoothing the hair, let it as soft as silk.
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