Ishow Summer Final Clearance Sale : Up To 20% OFF

Great News! Ishow hair summer final clearance has get started, many different kinds of human virgin hair wig and hair bundle on sale, high discount and various gifts only for you, follow Ishow hair site, get more activity details.

Sale Time

start from middle of July, end in September

Sale Details

Unlimited 6% off for all orders with code CLEAR6

20 dollars off with code CLEAR20 for order over 2 sets

Extra Surprise Activity still going on

$5 OFF OVER $99 CODE: S5

$15 OFF OVER $169 CODE: S15

$25 OFF OVER $269 CODE: S25

Hair Products on Sale

Human hair three bundles with one closure

Three bundles with one closure is most best selling hair set in Ishow hair,many customers choose this set to make their look, you can also consider this hair set during this sale, different hair types you can choose, not only straight hair, body wave, loose deep, but also deep wave, curly, loose wave etc, also 100% human virgin hair, good quality, you get a charming and natural look with this.

Human hair wigs

Ishow hair provide different wigs types , lace frontal wig, lace closure wig, 360 lace frontal wig,short bob hair wig and new hair procuct- machine made wig with bangs. you can choose any wig styles you want, also different color options, natural black, P 4/27 ombre color, ginger color and 99 j color. If you want to customize your special own wig, just contact us, support wig unit customize service.

Follow Ishow hair Instagram, get more sale details and random surprise.


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