The Best Heatless Curls Wig for Summer

 Natural lace wigs can be restyled freely, which give us much possibility to make different hairstyles in daily life. Wavy wigs always been popular because of its natural pattern, it absolutely is a good choice for summer. Here, let’s follow model’s instruction, learn how to get the best heatless curls wig for summer.

First, put ishow loose deep wave lace wig to your head to cut extra lace off, then do a thin layer of glue to apply wig, use hair dryer to dry the glue. Then, use flat iron to modeling roots of hair, make it looks straighter. After doing this, apply water and conditioner evenly to keep hair moist, use wide tooth comb to detangle the wig. Last but not least, use pointed comb to part hair to the side you want, and comb the hairline to make a more natural hairstyle. Now, we get a charming heatless curls wig!


Ishow Back to School Sale is coming, get more info of sales, come to official Ishow Hair store, or check our Instagram page.


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