How to Bleach Your Hair From Black to Honey Blonde

Colorful hair wig will be a good choice when you want a fresh look, if you also have interest in colorful hair wig, we recommend the honey blonde color, compare with other colors, it can make you look more grace and active. Today let us show you how to bleach this color with your hair.

First part: preparation

Take a human hair wig firstly ,or use hair bundles with lace closure or frontal make your unit, a mannequin head also needed to prepared, you also need to prepare some important bleach tools, like brush, bowl, powder volume and developer so on.

Second part: bleach process

At first, you can bleach the knot, then end up bleaching the whole wig. Prepare some quick blue powder volume 30 developer a mixing bowl and a brush so to bleach the knots, add less two scoops of quick blue powder and some volume 30 developer, make it into thick paste, when you hold your dish upside down it's not falling out then it's perfect, then paste that mixture on the area of frontal lace part, leave it for like 15 to 20 minutes, after that, wash all these out.Let us move to bleach wig part, separate your hair into some pieces, use mixture on top part hair, then take brush, go through the hair to ensure that bleach is every section of hair, go over few times to ensure whole hair is fully saturated shadow, then you can get a pretty nice honey blonde color.

That is whole tutorial of bleach hair from black to honey blonde color, after viewing, if you have interest, just take a Ishow hair wig, try it, get your fresh look.


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