How to Care For Human Hair Wigs In Winter

Along with freezing temperatures, comes extremely dry hair, it also takes our hairstyles from voluminous & shiny to frizzy & flat. Thus, it's important to take a few extra steps to protect your human hair wig. Here are our top 5 tips to help you easily winterize your wig, want to have favorite wig care tips that keeps your wig looking 100 in the winter? Let's have a read.

human hair wigs

1. Wash your wig often enough

The human hair can tangle due to dryness, oil & dirt build-up, salt water, chlorine and not combing (wide tooth comb) out your hair daily, it’s necessary to make sure wash & condition your wig often enough. If you wear your wig every day and use styling products, you should wash it at least once a week. Or, it only needs to be washed once every 5 to 10 wears, because too much washing does harm to your wig, while too less washing will cause hair tangling.

2. Keep it deep conditioned

Conditioner is much useful in daily caring the hair, especially the hair is easier to gets dry in winter than other seasons. Condition provides a layer on the hair, to help it keep lock in moisture, that’s how it works to keep hair in good condition. After using good quality mild shampoo, gently work conditioner into the human hair wigs from Upper middle to down, let it stay for at least five minutes, then rinse thoroughly and then style. This is great for wavy and curly styles.

3. Protect your wig away from wet environment

Even though the humidity can be moist during the winter, you still don't want to expose your hair to it, that can cause your wig to become frizzy. Cover up and protect your hair when you go outside and the weather is rainy or snowy. An umbrella can protect you from gentle falling rain or snow. A silk scarf also is a perfect way to protect your hair from the rain or snow, and it is gentle enough not to damage your hair either. And if your hair does get wet, allow it to air dry. It takes a few hours for a wig to air dry, but air drying helps protect the long life of your wig.

4. Ready for tangles

In the winter, strong winds are more common, which can tangle up your wig easily. Unfortunately, a small tangle can easily turn into a knot, which are damaging to your wig and can lead to the loss of hair. To keep your hair from getting tangled during the winter, comb your wig daily. Use a width comb to gently brush it, starting near the top of the wig, then working downward. Do not apply strength to pull hair to detangle hair.


For more wig care advice, check out IshowBeauty blogs. Ishow Hair provides 100% human hair with high quality & reasonable price. Ishow New Year Sale is coming , come to get high discount for the hair!


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