How To Put A Wig In A High Ponytail?

By wearing human hair wigs, there are diverse of hairstyles they can make to, such as ponytail, half up-half down, bow bun and so on. That’s just the reason why human hair wigs become so polular all around the word, it all depends on your preferences and what hairstyle matches your personal style. While in the hot summer, the ponytail is the most popular one, as it can dissipate heat easily even wearing a long length wig.

What wig to choose to make into the ponytail?

In the markey, there mainly are three kinds of wigs can do the ponytail hairstyle: lace front wig, 360 front wig and full lace wig. It doesn’t matter of choosing different textures or length, you can pick up them freely.

How to make the ponytail hairstyle?

1. Fix the human hair wig

The first thing to do is to put the human hair wig in the mannequin head or wig stand, and use pins to fix the wig, then comb the hiar in after it looks neat. And be careful that not comb the hair too tight, otherwise the hairline or wig cap may come out.

2. Pull up the hair.

Grab the total hair or a section of hair that you want to go into the ponytail, then use a hair tie to hold it in place, hold the hair in your hand previous, and then take a comb and let it hold the hair tightly.

3. Secure the ponytail

Flip your ponytail up to the top of your head, then use your little comb to grab the ponytail and hair underneath. Flip the ponytail down and place it on your small comb to create a unique and beautiful ponytail. If you want, you can also leave a little bangs to create a cuter, more casual, and more beautiful appearance

4. Put the wig on

After fixing the wig, it is time to place it. At this stage, you can place a wig without having to use hair clips. However, if you want the wig to be worn more firmly on your head, once you put it on, you need to pick up the hairpin and leave room where the hairpin should be placed. Pin the wig to the wig cap and make sure that the pins are not visible.

The density of the wig will affect the way you make the ponytail. Wigs usually have different density to suit the preferences of each people. The most popular density include 130%, 150% and 180%. If you want a beautiful ponytail, then it is recommended to choose a wig with a lower density, preferably 130% and 150%. That's because they are lighter and can hold high ponytails firmly. On the other hand, if you choose a higher density wig, such as 180%, it may be difficult to make a perfect ponytail because it is too bulky to be tied into a ponytail.

For Summer, Ishow Hair provides many latest 2021 popular colored human hair wigs and bundles. Ishow Back 2 School Sale is coming, if you would like to change the hairstyle, welcome to our website to choose and get high discount for the hair!


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