How to Keep Wavy Hair Pattern Well?

As weather becoming cold and cold, compare with short hair, the long and wavy hair get more and more popular among women, many people want to get a grace and elegant look in autumn, and to achieve this kind of look, the wavy hair must be a great choice, and the highlight of wavy hair is hair wavy pattern part, so that keeping wavy pattern well is a very important thing, today let us show you some necessary tips on how to keep this.

In the beginning, let us get to know what is wavy hair, and what hair style usually can be concluded as wavy hair. The wavy style hair commonly have a curly style hair pattern which makes it totally different with straight hair, the hair pattern can be small or big, you can get a various look with these hair patterns. For small style one, usually there are kinky curly, deep wave and water wave these three hair styles, and these kind of hair have a tight wavy pattern, it is more difficult to maintain. For big style one, usually there are body wave, loose wave and loose deep wave these three hair styles, and these kind of hair have a loosen and S style wavy pattern, it is more easy to keep.

Next, let us move to important part- how to keep wavy hair pattern well.

First way: using some hair styling tools

The common and necessary two hair styling tools we recommend are flat iron or flexi rods. I believe most of us own the first one, flat iron, it is easy to using, firstly, preheat your flat iron into a specified  temperature, then separate your hair into some small pieces, roll these hair on iron part, keep for few minutes, do it same with all hair, after that, you can use some mousse on the hair, it can keep the hair wavy pattern lasting longer time. Actually, flexi rods using way is almost same with flat iron. Using flexi rods to style hair, the wavy pattern will last less time,but no damage to hair. If you need the hair wig urgently for a party or activity, we recommend the first one, if you just do the daily care, flexi rods will be more suitable for you, you can do this before sleep, roll hair on flexi rods pieces by pieces, then wear a sleeping cap, after one night, the hair wig can keep in a nice bouncy hair pattern.

Second way: weaving plaits

This is a very easy way to keep the hair pattern well, but it will cost long time, so we recommend you do this before sleep, if you want the hair keep in a loosen and bouncy pattern, you can separate hair into hair into two parts, start from frontal part hair, weaving two big flat twists, in the morning, untie these braids, you will see the hair looks very nice. If you want the hair more curly, you can consider make more plaits.

Lastly, we do hope these two ways can do you a favor. Now it is Ishow hair Happy Halloween Promotion, extra discount for you all, $99+ Get $10 off with Code: PayPal10, if you want some nice wavy hair, just get one during the sale.


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