Something You Need to Know About Wig Density

As human hair wigs get more and more popular, there are some important factors catch black women attention, like length, color, texture, wig style and density. Among these factors, no doubt, hair wig density is special, before human hair wig came up, we seldom talking about this, some people may not familiar with wig density, today please follow our steps, get to know more and more about it.

What is human hair density?

The human hair wig density actually is fullness of human hair wig, basically, it is hair quantity we used to make this wig unit, more hair we used, the hair wig density will be higher, it can take a more fuller look, usually three bundles with one lace closure or frontal can make a around 200 density hair wig, four bundles with one lace closure or frontal can make a about 250 density wig.

Different wig density options we offer

There are four wig density options we provided in Ishow hair store, it is 150, 180, 200 and 250 density, higher number it is, fuller wig it is. The 150 density wig is a entry style, most customers can use this density wig to make a nice look, if you are a wig beginner, we advise this density wig. The 180 density one is a higher level, compare with 150, usually the 180 density wig weigh tens of grams. And 200 and 250 density is top level, it is more suitable for someone who have enough wig wearing experiences. If you are wig beginner, want to try 200 or 250 density wig, you can let your stylist do a favor.

Two best selling good density wig In Ishow Hair

The 150 and 180 density wig is two best selling density in our website, these two density wigs have enough hair, also nice price. Here we recommend a great 150 density wig, it is ginger blonde ombre body wave hair wig, plenty of length choices, 10-30 inch, three wig lace sizes, 4"x4" lace closure, 5"x 5" lace closure and 13"x 4" lace frontal, also recently this colored wig is NO.1 selling hair product in our store, if you want a fashion wig, choose it, you will not regret.

We also would like to recommend a great 180 density wig, it is the long HD undetectable 13*4 lace front wig. The first highlight of this wig is length, we provide 32-40 inch length options especially for this wig, what’s more, six hair textures, body wave, straight hair, loose deep wave, deep wave, water wave and curly hair. Second highlight of this wig is HD undetectable lace part, more natural and breathable, also it is a big 13*4 lace part, you can restyle freely, make a middle or side part look.

At last, hope this wig density blog useful for you all, after reading it, you can understand what is wig density, choose a suitable density wig. Cyber Monday promotion has started, find a nice hair wig, just in Ishow hair website,use Cyber10 to get extra 10 dollars off.


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