What Is the Difference Between Wigs, Weaves and Hair Extensions?
Are you new to the wig world? Then your hair must be buzzing with all sorts of questions. One of the most important questions that every newbie asks is this: what is the difference between wigs and weaves? Where do hair extensions come in? So on and so forth. This confusion is fueled by the fact that many women think that the main types of hairpieces are interchangeable. Whereas, in reality, this is far from the truth ― they aren’t all the same things nor do they work in the same way. Are you one of these people? Then let’s tell you everything you need to know about these hairpieces. Here’s the all-important breakdown: 1. Wigs In layman’s terms, wigs are hairy hats. These are the original headpieces that were made to give you full coverage. There are many different types of wigs ― lace-front wigs , monofilament wigs, synthetic wigs etc. But mainly they can be divided as being made from synthetic hair or human hair. How are they app...